Family of God

When she turned twenty-one, Tammy Harris from Roanoke, Virginia started searching for her biological mother. For a year she tried with no success. However, what she didn’t realize was that her biological mother, whose name was Joyce Schultz, had also been trying to locate her as well for twenty years.

In addition, there was one more thing that Tammy didn’t know: her mother was one of her co-workers at the convenience store where she worked.

One day as Tammy was explaining to one of her coworkers that she was trying to find her biological mother, Joyce overheard. They began to talk and soon they were comparing birth certificates. When Tammy discovered that her coDaughter-Finds-Motherworker she had know was her mother, she fell into her arms.

“We held on for the longest time,” Tammy said. “It was the best day of my life.”

Each week, we encounter people who we many times barely notice. But if they are born again through Christ Jesus, they are nearer to us than our blood relatives. That may come as a shock but it’s true. The relationship between a blood relative who is unsaved is temporary. But the relationship with a fellow brother or sister in Christ is eternal.

Take inventory: how do you look at your church family? Are they important to you or do you barely notice them? Do you reach out to them during the week, or do you feel more comfortable with coworkers and friends though they are not saved? I challenge you today to foster relationships with the people of God because they are the only ones that will last.

As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. (Galatians 6:10)

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