Man Up! Conference 2015

Berean Home Fellowship is proud to present our 1st Annual Teaching Conference. It will be held at the West Toledo Library Auditorium, 1320 W. Sylvania Ave., Toledo, Ohio, 43612 from 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

This year’s conference is titled Man Up! – Living With a Sense of Divine Mission. This free conference will speak to men and what God wants them to be as well as women in what qualities to look for in a real man. It seeks strengthen the local community through sound, biblical teaching on the subject of manhood and masculinity. The conference is free as well as provides a free luncheon for those who register. Scroll to the bottom of page for registration details.

This year’s conference guest speakers:Jerome Bell Photo

Jerome Bell – Jerome Bell is the pastor of North Christian Church in Markleville, Indiana. He’s has a Masters in Ministry from Mt. Vernon Nazarene University and has also attended Hobe Sound Bible College. Originally from Bremen, Ohio, he’s a husband and father of two. He is a staunch believer in lives that reflect what they believe as examples to family and friends.

“No matter how bold the public statement may be, it’s more important that we live what we say especially in private. When those who are the closest to you know what the real truth is. Does your life reflect what you say you believe? It’s more than just quoting Bible verses. It’s about letting the Bible impact our family so that our lives do not contradict God’s word. Our youth and our children today need someone to role model the Truth.”

David "iNTELLECT" Bunts PhotoDavid Bunts
 a.k.a. iNTELLECT – David Bunts is the music minister and producer behind several projects. Going by the moniker iNTELLECT, his latest project is called The Revolution, the main themes which focus on a revolution in the culture and in hip hop.

“It is very evident that America is in trouble,” he observes. “From racial tension and strife to issues within the American home (divorce, children without fathers, etc.) and the promotion of illicit sex, America is truly beginning to reap what it has sowed.  It is time for this country to get back to its Christian roots and repent of its sin.”

You can listen to Revolution, available on iTunes and find out more about his ministry at

David WashingtonDavid Washington – David Washington is the pastor at Berean Home Fellowship. He’s been pastor for the past five years and served in various capacities in other local bodies before as a worship leader and small group teacher. It was in the latter capacity that he saw the church going and was called to form a home church which is the first of a network of churches he is praying would spring up in the city of Toledo. He is the author of Stop Bringing Them to Church-Who the Church Is, Isn’t and Why It Should Stay That Way.

“One of the main problems within the church is that we don’t know what the church is. There’s a loss and confusion of identity. This is also translated into our culture at the most basic level: what it means to be men and women.”

He is also the bible teacher on the BHF podcast series Learn More About God.

Man Up! Conference Schedule (subject to change)

10:00 a.m. – Music
10:05 a.m. – Introduction
10:15 a.m. – Jerome Bell: A Man’s Responsibility- Priest, Provider, Protector, and Potentate
10:55 a.m. – Group Discussion
11:05 a.m. – David Bunts: A Man’s Character – Cowards Need Not Apply
11:45 a.m. – Group Discussion
12:00 p.m. – Lunch (included for free for conference registrants. Register below.)
12:50 p.m – Music
12:55 p.m. – David Washington: A Man’s Nature: The Hard Truth About Men
1:35 p.m. – Group Discussion
1:50 p.m. – Q&A Session With the Speakers
2:20 p.m. – Meet and Greet
2:50 p.m. – Conference Conclusion

Seating is limited. To reserve your seat, register below, email us direct at ma***@be**************.org with names and number attending, or sign up at our Facebook page at\BereanHomeFellowship.

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