Politics and the Problem of God – Part I

The statement has been made in reference to the United States by many well meaning men and women, that this nation is a Christian nation. However, the reality is that it is not, nor has been a Christian nation.

Coming from someone that has spoken openly about the principles the United States was founded on, that may come as a surprise to some of you. Yet if we look at history closely, we see this to be true in the strict, literal sense.

Even so, there can be no doubt that the United States was founded on Christian principles derived from the Bible. Those who question that really have an agenda against God and usually Christianity, because history clearly is against that view. This truth is a problem for many, especially in politics.

At the founding of this nation, God was invoked, believed in, and promoted by the political leaders of the day. Though all of the Founding Fathers were not Christians, many were and there’s not even a question of the overwhelming majority, if not all of them, were theists of some kind. This is reflected more so in who is arguably THE Founding Father, George Washington, a staunch Christian.

Today, mentioning God in any way except as a fringe side issue is considered certain doom for those running for political office. Opponents go on the attack at the mere mention of God in the public square. This attitude is pervasive among liberals and their anti-Christ philosophy. Riding up right beside them are libertarians and now it’s even among some conservative circles. Yes, there are exceptions to the rule but by and large, this is the political landscape in our nation today. Worlds apart from when the Founder’s had gathered.

It formerly was noble to proclaim a strong belief in God and how He influenced and shaped an elected official’s thinking and worldview. Now, you’re vilified and called a freak or religious fanatic if you say God twice in the same sentence. We’ve exchanged homosexuality for God, freely exposing and embracing one while hiding and locking up the other.

I’ve heard the arguments too many times to count:

“You can’t force people to believe in God.”

As if mentioning  a person’s faith is forcing anyone to do anything.

“Morality can’t be legislated.”

Yet it’s called immoral to deny gay marriage.

“Religion is a private matter.”

Faith is not private. It’s personal. Big difference.

Noah Webster (remember that guy?) appears to have understood the importance of God in ALL the affairs of man, not just what is deemed religious, but also political:

It is extremely important to our nation, in a political as well as religious view, that all possible authority and influence should be given to the scriptures, for these furnish the best principles of civil liberty and the most effectual support of republican government.

The principles of genuine liberty, and of wise laws and administrations, , are to be drawn from the Bible and sustained by authority. The man, therefore, who weakens or destroys the divine authority of the that book may be accessory to all the public disorders which society is doomed to suffer…

Veritably a prophet in his own right.

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