500 Years and More

Protestant Christians have a rich heritage. The problem with that is that most Protestant Christians have no idea it is. When you say names like Martin Luther, John Wycliffe, Jon Hus, or Ulrich Zwingli, you may as well be speaking a different language. We have something to celebrate this year as it marks the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. It’s surprising to a degree that we’ve come to this place because there are some alarming developments in the church. … Continue reading500 Years and More

Politics and the Problem of God – Part II

There is an erroneous belief that has been perpetrated throughout the United States that politics and religion should be kept separate or that they can’t mix. The mantra that is always evoked is the “separation between church and state” which is almost always used out of context in complete ignorance. But the fact of the matter is that faith and politics are inseparable if both are genuine. … Continue readingPolitics and the Problem of God – Part II