The Pastorless Church – Part III
As we go through the scriptures to see what it is that the Lord has to say to us on this particular topic, we now come to an area of contention and sensitivity. The reason why it’s sensitive is more people embrace the culture of … Continue readingThe Pastorless Church – Part III
The Pastorless Church – Part II
In part one of the Pastorless Church, we took a look 1 Timothy 2:8 which addressed the public assembly of the church and how men (males) are called to lead prayer. This should be done without dissension, disputing, full of faith, with a blameless life … Continue readingThe Pastorless Church – Part II
The Pastorless Church – Part I
Unquestioningly, one of the most controversial topics within the modern church today is the idea of women as pastors in the church. Many arguments have been laid out for the affirmative. However, a church with a woman as a head pastor is pastorless because it … Continue readingThe Pastorless Church – Part I
Unqualified Church Leaders
The modern day church has grown to have many distinctive differences from the church of scripture. One of the most prevalent is having unqualified church leadership. … Continue readingUnqualified Church Leaders
The Preeminence of Doctrine
It is surprising, to a lesser extent, that the church today espouses so many different beliefs that Christians latch onto not knowing what the word of God has to say about it. As a matter of fact, mention doctrine and holiness and the defense goes up about everyone should be unified and loving as if they were mutually exclusive to one another. … Continue readingThe Preeminence of Doctrine
Church Attendance: A Matter of Obedience
Today, Christians use all sorts of reasons as to why they don’t attend their church gatherings. It has, by and large, become one of the last things of importance in their list of priorities in life. Other things come first and to make a sacrifice … Continue readingChurch Attendance: A Matter of Obedience
How Will You Respond?
The people during the time of Noah was caught unaware at the time of judgment. In light of the constant warnings in the scriptures, how can we be ready for the true time of the Lord’s return? … Continue readingHow Will You Respond?
The End of the World…I Think
In my town recently were several billboards that broadcasted the end of the world which was supposed to happen May 21st, 2011. That was yesterday. The disturbing thing about this is that it has been propagated by a self-proclaimed Christian radio network. This network has … Continue readingThe End of the World…I Think
Politics and the Problem of God – Part II
There is an erroneous belief that has been perpetrated throughout the United States that politics and religion should be kept separate or that they can’t mix. The mantra that is always evoked is the “separation between church and state” which is almost always used out of context in complete ignorance. But the fact of the matter is that faith and politics are inseparable if both are genuine. … Continue readingPolitics and the Problem of God – Part II
Politics and the Problem of God – Part I
The statement has been made in reference to the United States by many well meaning men and women, that this nation is a Christian nation. However, the reality is that it is not, nor has been a Christian nation. Coming from someone that has spoken … Continue readingPolitics and the Problem of God – Part I